Wednesday, April 2, 2014

"Your Ratchet and your FOUL!"

      "I have this neighbor who is always trying to get over on someone and is always starting drama within our community. First off, this chick is well into her fifties and carries on like a fucking teenager, not to mention that she is fucking one of my neighbors brothers which is married, like i said "Ratchet and Foul". We use to be A1 until I found out that she has been smiling in my face and stabbing me in my back the whole time I've known her. It's cool though because I'm not the one that begs everyone in the building for money and cigaretts. Plus my apartment dosen't look like "Sanford & Son" and smell like the fucking city dump. Then to top it all off, if you try to approach her about her behavior, she try's to turn up, but looks like she about to have a stroke. Ma, ain't nobody checking for your old Krusty The Clown lookin ass, hell you gave birth to 7 children, and out of 7 only one of the fuck with you, sorta. Pretty much everyone in our community has fazed you out, because your trouble. My thing is this, you only will receive what you put out in the universe, and sweetheart your putting negative garbage into the universe, and stop talking and acting like you and home girl who by the way I believe there eating each other's pussy, like you two hoes know everything. You two broads need to have several mutha fuckin seats. Nobodies checking for you two old hoes. Karma is like you two fat hoes tryn to fit in a size 4, it ain't go never work. These two broads remind me of Pearl off of 227, but at least Pearl had class, these hoes wouldn't know class if it stepped right in front of them and smacked them in the fucking face. I just wish these ratchet ass old birds would fly the fuck away, and never come back."


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