Sunday, April 20, 2014

"Jayru Campbell: Detroit Cass Tech High School Quaterback/Future MSU Football Player Gets Another Chance!"

    "Well I was glad to had heard this information from a good source of mine about this Young man who play's Football for Detroit Cass Tech High School, Jayru Campbell. Campbell is known for his great skills on the Football field as Cass Tech's Quaterback, but as of recent, Jayru has gotten himself in a bit of trouble. If you haven't heard, Jayru was arrested months ago for body slamming a security guard at his high school. It had gotten so bad that they were trying to charge this young man with a felony, which would have probably not looked so good on his college applications, Since his dream is to play at MSU. (Michigan State University) You can go online to see the body slamming video.

Well Jayru recently through the incident was out of school all this time since this had happened months ago. Now a judge just ordered that Jayru could return to school. Also sources say that he may only be charged with a Misdeameanor. Thats good! Here's my opinion on the matter. We all make mistakes. Should he had learned a lesson, Yes! My thing is when you do wrong, we all have to deal with the consequences. Now should this young man's future be taken from him. Hell No! He made a mistake and I believe he is truly sorry for his actions, you have to understand that he is not a adult, he is a kid, on his way to manhood. I see great potential with Jayru. My word of advice to you would be, to just pick and choose your battles, and there is nothing wrong with walking away from any heated situation. Good Luck Jayru." 


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